This is the development version of Kanrisuru. Since this is still a pre-1.0 release, we don't recommend using this in system-critical production environments.



Kanrisuru is bundled as a Ruby Gem. At a minimum, ruby 2.5.0 is required.

General Usage

The following command will install the latest version of Kanrisuru

gem install kanrisuru

Kanrisuru can also be installed as part of a bundled application via the Gemfile.

source ""
ruby '2.7.0'

gem 'kanrisuru'

To install the latest version of Kanrisuru, use the github link

gem 'kanrisuru', git: ''

To install the gem depedencies, run

bundle install

This will install the specified gems in your Gemfile, as well as any depedencies.


Kanrisuru connects to remote machines over SSH. If Kanrisuru isn’t able to connect to the remote machines, you should try connecting directly with the ssh command, eg:

ssh ubuntu@hostname

If this doesn’t work, there’s a few things to try:

Check your remote host’s firewall settings. Ensure that the default port 22 is available to connect from the ip address Kanrisuru is hosted on.

See if the ssh user you are connecting to is set with an ssh keyfile, or a password. It’s recommended to use a private/public keyfile to access your remote machine.

If you are using a ssh keyfile, ensure you set the proper permissions on the keyfile, eg

chmod 0600 id_rsa

With a ssh keyfile access, make sure to provide a path when testing the connection

ssh ubuntu@hostname -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Better yet, add the keyfile into your keychain:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

If there’s any issue with adding the keyfile into the ssh-keychain, you can clear all the existing entries, and re-add it:

ssh-add -D
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Sometime users have issues with the ssh-agent running at all. To start the ssh-agent, try:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
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